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Quelques questions rapides pour une croissance exponentielle

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Entrepreneurs confirmés : Pour une croissance exponentielle de votre entreprise en 2021

(English version below)
🇫🇷 Au début du mois de Novembre, nous organisons un séminaire virtuel destiné aux entrepreneurs qui dépensent déjà plus de 100 000 euros par an de publicités et de marketing.
Pour que nous puissions vous aider au mieux, pouvez-vous nous en dire plus sur vos besoins svp ? Ces courtes questions ne vous prendront que quelques minutes montre en main.
Pour vous remercier de votre participation, nous aimerions vous offrir le livre que nous préparons avec Jay Abraham et qui vous permettra de mettre en place votre stratégie de recommandation et de parrainage.
🇺🇸 At the beginning of November, we are organizing a virtual seminar for entrepreneurs who already spend over $100,000 per year on advertising and marketing.
In order to help you as well as possible, can you tell us more about your needs? These short questions will only take you a few minutes.
To thank you for your participation, we would like to offer you the book that we are preparing with Jay Abraham and which will allow you to set up your recommendation and referral strategy.
🇺🇸 What's the number one goal you've set for your business in 2021?
🇺🇸 What are the main challenges you've been facing in turning this vision into a reality? What might be holding you back and how do you feel because of this?
🇺🇸 If there was a "magic bullet" ideal solution to overcome those obstacles, what would it look like? If anything could help you instantly reach your goal, what would it be?
🇺🇸 If you could ask Jay Abraham any question - to achieve your 2021 vision and your future goals, what would you ask?
(If you have several questions, that's OK - you can ask up to 3 here)