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Mastermind Croissance Instantanée – Préparation de la rencontre du 14, 15 et 16 décembre

Étape 1 sur 3
🇺🇸 First name and last name
🇫🇷 Nous vous enverrons le lien de connexion Zoom sur cette adresse email ; vérifiez bien qu'elle est correcte !
🇺🇸 We will email this address, please check that it is correct !
🇺🇸 Will you be attending the meeting on both days? On just one day? Please check the appropriate box
🇺🇸 Will you be attending the Strategic Planning meeting on July 1st? Please check the appropriate box
🇺🇸 We have real-time translation both ways during the meeting. Which audio channel will you be using most of the time? Please check the appropriate box



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